Featured News Posted - 11th July 2024

Celebrating St. Benedict, Patron Saint of Our Schools

Today, on the feast of St. Benedict, we in the Catholic Academy Trust pause to celebrate the wisdom, faith, and virtue that this remarkable saint embodied.

As we reflect on our first term as a Catholic Academy Trust, we see the enduring legacy of St. Benedict reflected in our schools. We are grateful for our dedicated staff who foster a love of learning and a strong moral compass in our students. We see the Benedictine values of prayer, work, and community come alive in our classrooms, hallways, and playgrounds.

This feast day is a call to recommit ourselves to these values. May we continue to nurture a learning environment that inspires faith, academic excellence, and a sense of service to others. May the spirit of St. Benedict continue to guide us as we strive to be a beacon of Catholic education for generations to come.

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